Ignite Change with Amber J

Compassion and Curiosity: The Power Duo of Self-CARE

Amber J. Lawson Season 1 Episode 3
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00:00 | 30:25

In this episode, we dive deep into the power of self-care, focusing on the C.A.R.E. acronym. We kick things off with compassion and curiosity, exploring the importance of putting our own oxygen masks on first.  I’ll guide you through powerful exercises to tune in, reflect, and discover what's truly going on within you.

As women, many of us often prioritize caring for others, but it's time to break free from that mindset and give ourselves permission to fill our own cups. By developing the first “C”, compassion towards ourselves and others, we can break free from the shackles of judgment and embrace a more empowering perspective. The other “C”, curiosity allows us to uncover the hidden stories and beliefs that hold us back, paving the way for growth and transformation.

I challenge you to explore your triggers, understand their origins, and cultivate a deeper sense of empathy. Together, let's create a world where compassion and curiosity reign supreme. Remember, you are a magical being on this planet.

Download your free copy of my Woman on Fire self-care guide:  goddessprocess.us/download-the-self-care-guide-opt-in-page

For more of Amber J and info on Women on Fire, visit goddessprocess.us

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